Expat in Lisbon. N° V – Spring has arrivedExpat in Lisbon. N° V – Spring has arrived

Veröffentlicht in: Allgemein, Blog, Lissabon Kolumne, Photos, Portugal | 1

I feel really sorry writing this, with a sunburn in my face, while all of my family and friends at home have around -10°C, but – Spring has arrived in Portugal and it is glorious. I spent all weekend out … Weiter

Where to get Açai Bowls (and more) in LisbonWhere to get Açai Bowls (and more) in Lisbon

Açai is by far the most amazing food on this planet! If I need to live whit just one meal for the rest of my life it would be an Açai Bowl. It is not only super healthy but also … Weiter