The 10 best PASTÉIS DE NATA in LisbonThe 10 best PASTÉIS DE NATA in Lisbon

I love Pastries, more than any other candy in this world. Cake, Croissants, Muffins, Brownies, you name it. So it is no wonder I had to get addicted to the famous portuguese egg tart pastry called Pastel de Nata (Plural … Weiter

Outjazz ’19- Free music festival in LisbonOutjazz ’19- Free music festival in Lisbon

I tell you know, between you and me, one main reason why I fell in love with Lisbon: It’s the music that is in the air and waiting for you around every corner. It is like the wind carries the … Weiter

Expat in Lisbon. N° V – Spring has arrivedExpat in Lisbon. N° V – Spring has arrived

Veröffentlicht in: Allgemein, Blog, Lissabon Kolumne, Photos, Portugal | 1

I feel really sorry writing this, with a sunburn in my face, while all of my family and friends at home have around -10°C, but – Spring has arrived in Portugal and it is glorious. I spent all weekend out … Weiter

Expat in Lisbon. N° IIIExpat in Lisbon. N° III

Veröffentlicht in: Allgemein, Blog, Diary, Lissabon Kolumne, Photos, Portugal | 0

There is no way for me to describe my feeling for this city. But weekends like this are reasons why I’m still here and its so damn hard to „finally“ say good bye. Lisbon makes me as happy as it … Weiter

10 Dinge die du in Lissabon nicht verpassen darfst10 things not to miss in Lisbon

Veröffentlicht in: 10 things not to miss, Allgemein, Blog, Europa, Portugal | 4

an keinem anderen Ort sind die Farben aus so vielen Farben gemacht wie an diesem. José Cardos Pires Wenn der blauen Himmel im grünem Meer verschwindet, die bunten Fließen und Fassaden harmonisch die Touristen ignorieren, und rote und orange Hausdächer im … Weiter