Black Lives Matter
My blog is usually about beautiful places, stories and tips where to go and how to make traveling easier but I barley speak up for anything on here. I wrote an article about „refugees“ a few years ago because it … Weiter
My blog is usually about beautiful places, stories and tips where to go and how to make traveling easier but I barley speak up for anything on here. I wrote an article about „refugees“ a few years ago because it … Weiter
I love Pastries, more than any other candy in this world. Cake, Croissants, Muffins, Brownies, you name it. So it is no wonder I had to get addicted to the famous portuguese egg tart pastry called Pastel de Nata (Plural … Weiter
I tell you know, between you and me, one main reason why I fell in love with Lisbon: It’s the music that is in the air and waiting for you around every corner. It is like the wind carries the … Weiter
I don’t know what it is, but wow I love great doors. I’m the one always stopping for a pretty door, but how can you not? A door catches your attention and you start to wonder what lays behind. A … Weiter
So the first months are gone and what have you achieved so far? Ok, New Year’s resolutions always start a discussion. Some people love them, some hate them. I say it is great to set goals, and it is even … Weiter
Seeing the Eiffel tower makes you realize: „I’m in Paris“. Paris would be incredible without the Eiffel Tower but somehow this metal tower starts some special feelings in us. I’m sure people cried when they saw it, just because some … Weiter
Açai is by far the most amazing food on this planet! If I need to live whit just one meal for the rest of my life it would be an Açai Bowl. It is not only super healthy but also … Weiter
Wow, when I started this „Expat in Lisbon“ Column, I didn’t expect me to write so religious every Sunday about my weekend, and never did I expect to find so „many“ readers. But the weather is awesome and the time … Weiter
I’m back and I hope its gonna stay that way since my head is full of ideas and pictures, ideas and hints for you to see and experience. But where was I? I moved to Lisbon in January and that … Weiter
Meine aller aller liebste Zeit ist im Anmarsch, die Advents- oder Weihnachtszeit. Im August fange ich schon an die Tage zu zählen und am 31. Dezember bricht mir das Herz weil der ganze unglaubliche Zauber wieder sein Ende hat. Und … Weiter
Travel quotes. Not quite sure what it is about them, but if they are good, they kinda make me wanna GO immediately. Sometimes a good quote is all we need, especially when we are already working on an important decision. … Weiter
5…4….3…2….1…… Die Menschen schreien mit den Feuerwerken um die Wette, es fallen mehr Küsse als am Valentinstag in Paris, die Menschen liegen sich in den Armen und die Stimmung ist am Höhepunkt..Ein frohes neues Jahr. Aber bis es soweit ist, kehrt … Weiter