Expat in Lisbon. N° III

Veröffentlicht in: Allgemein, Blog, Diary, Lissabon Kolumne, Photos, Portugal | 0

There is no way for me to describe my feeling for this city. But weekends like this are reasons why I’m still here and its so damn hard to „finally“ say good bye.
Lisbon makes me as happy as it gets and makes me sit in bed on Sundays night and smile from ear to ear looking at all those memories and moments I got to create and experience here.

This city is everything I need.

So what did I do this weekend that makes me so happy?
In a few words: I visited a palace, climbed up a closed balcony, had sunshine everyday, went to the movies with everyones grandparents, but mine, had a dinner with 25 people, fell flat, laughed to much, had coffee in the sun on a miradouro and wached the sunset with whole Lisbon to my feet…. but lets start from the beginning.

Saturday, 27. January 2018

Palácio dos Marqueses de Fronteira

This place was on my list since I passed it first a year ago with the train and somehow I never made it up to that place even though its so easy to reach. It’s basically just a small palace with a small but incredible beautiful garden. Unfortunately it closes at 2 pm and is not open on Sundays so we only had 30 mins but quite frankly, to see it all its enough but its just too pretty.
Since the palace itself was already closed we kinda made our own way to the balcony, but psssst…
Saturday night was a birthday of a friend where we had dinner at the „illegale Chinese“ with 25 people, cocktails in my favorite roof top bar, Topo, and drinks in Bairro Alto. I also fell quite the funny way and I have to just write it down because it will make me laugh for the next 10 years. I fell asleep laughing and woke up laughing. God thanks my face didn’t hit the ground :D :D

Sunday, 28. January 2018

Jardim do Torel, Miradouro de Senhora do Monte

I had plans for something else but going out on Saturday and getting up early on Sundays, feeling awesome, is just not possible anymore, at least in my age ;)
But still, this day was grande. The weather was more than awesome and we could walk around in T-Shirts, we had a coffee at one of my favorite view points Jardim do Torel (kinda secret), had a walk, and watched an amazing sunset over the whole town. If Lisbon can do one thing than it would be sunsets. Moments like this make me more than grateful to call this city my home, surrounded by some amazing „new“ friends.

Really, guys, if you are just reading this thinking about moving abroad, even just for a few months, consider moving to Lisbon. It is the best decision you could make. Everyones heart need to fall a little in love with this town.
But moving abroad to any town will bring you so much joy, memories, friends and a different view at life.

But I have a million pictures, so lets again let them tell the story.





Folge uns worldsessed:

Mia - Worldsessed Creator- is worldsessed, loves photography and sharing her adventures with you, so you feel like, you need to go and make your life more amazing.

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